Do you have plans for a party tonight with friends ? What will follow during and after the party is extensive photo sessions, and you need to look great if the photos are getting uploaded on Facebook and Twitter. Or maybe, there is an event of your company’s new website launch in the evening, and you need to look fresh, tip-top and pleasing to the eyes. Except for the obvious (the right clothes of course), there is one other vital thing which can save your day – and that is your makeup kit.

To use the makeup kit to its full effect, you need to have the right accessories stored in it. Do you know which are the must-have items in a makeup kit? Some of them without which a makeup kit is incomplete are:
#1. Primer
It helps to minimize pores and creates a base smooth enough for other makeup applications. You might not need a primer if you are one of those lucky people to have a flawless skin. If not, a primer works great in making your skin look amazing.
#2. Foundation
It helps to even out or enhance the complexion of your skin. A good foundation is also great in covering the acne scars, and thus giving your face a clean, bright and fresh look.
#3. Blush
It helps to produce a highlight contour strip on the cheeks which alters the effect of the cheekbone. Works great for women with round faces by making their face appear slimmer.
#4. Eyeliner
It helps to give your eyes a better shape and make them look bigger and more attractive. The most popular form of an eyeliner is the wax pencil. Eyeliners can be applied on both the upper and lower eyelids.
#5. Mascara
Available in cream, liquid and cake forms, it helps in highlighting the eyelashes and accentuates their beauty and volume. The brown and black mascaras are the absolute favorites, and CoverGirl and Maybelline are leading manufacturers.
#6. Lip Gloss
If you desire smooth and shiny lips, a lip gloss is your best bet. They are available in tubes and can be directly applied on the lips. More preferable than lipsticks nowadays, they moisturize and protect lips from harsh environment as well as making them look shiny and glamorous.
#7. Brushes
Its best to buy an entire brush set. Just make sure there is the large powder brush, a smaller brush used for contouring, and several other brushes for liner and shadow applications.
#8. Cotton Swabs
Soaking them in makeup remover to get a quick touch-up or adjusting a smudged eyeliner, cotton swabs are very handy to have. Moreover, they come in a very cheap price.